I'm currently in the process of starting an art project in the school. What i do is entirely me choice and therefore chose modernist architecture. After an introduction I moved on to inspiration. Throughout the week I've been collecting up pictures, despite the fact that not all relate to architecture the pictures come together to make a good mood board.
Cleaning Tip (Taps)
Hi, monday morning is my cleaning day.
My task of the day was clearing my bath tap ( toooo much lime scale )
it's splashing water every where. and as it's no longer unscrewed, I'm finding it not so easy to clean.
I did try a couple different ways of cleaning it but none were very easy .
I've been watching my daughter make stuff out of balloons this weekend,
I thought they were quite flexible and tuff. With a little imagination I found that this is the easiest way to clean taps.
You can just cut the top off a ballon, and depending on the tap size you can adjust the opening.
Next you just put in the cleaning liquid, I used vinegar (best use a white vinegar).
I have used the bleach before it was too strong and it peeled off the chrome and damaged my taps.
Cake in Jar
coconut whipped cream
How about this a brilliant idea.
Lovely alternative of daily/ sugar /gluten-free whipped cream.
I love my cream on top of coffee, cakes I would even like with some roast meet and hot indian curry.
I feel less guilt with this coconut whipped cream.
cook for life
Clever Marketing
I am so easy target for marketing.
This innocent smoothies were so cute, I had have to buy one or two or three or more.
I thought that I had a good excuse for buying these smoothes.
These wooly hats, it did look good for my daughter's Babie doll's little head.
But they were too big, they were fine for my-scene doll's head though.
Oh yes! They are defiantly good for you!!
(This was couple month ago)
Iv'e always enjoyed knowing what i can make. I say "knowing what i can make" because in the end i never actually make anything no matter how much i want to. The best things are the little odd bits that you can easily make with common recourses and in little time.
other sites;
Auction House
I went to the viewing for tomorrows antiques and general auction.
I found a few items I like, but I am still wondering which one I really want !......?